Quarta, 23 Outubro 2024, 05:13

Site: Interfaz Virtual de Aprendizaje - CICEI (ULPGC)
Disciplina: Interfaz Virtual de Aprendizaje - CICEI (ULPGC) (INNOVA)
Glossário: Glosario sobre aprendizaje


Estilos de Aprendizaje (Kolb)

(Última edição: Domingo, 8 Março 2015, 12:12)
Based on Kolbs learning Cycle ...  Peter Honey and Alan Mumford made an attempt to classify individuals into four groups based on their learning styles.
1.- Activist:
People who learn through doing and prefer activity baseddevelopment. They do not effectively, respond well to lectures or highlyreflective activity.. they prefer to learn through involving excercises,problems, tasks etc…
2.- Reflector:
Reflectors are people who enjoy reviewing and consideringsituations and events.In groups they observe and reflect rather thanactively join or lead the discussion. They feel uncomfortable if they areput into limelight without prior warning.
Theorist like to know theories behind a piece of learning, theyprefer to learn from research, data, models and information. They likeLogic and are rational and analytical in a leaning situation. They will beuncomfortable with high emotion and feelings.
4.- Pragmatist:
 They prefer practicality to theory and learn effectively whenthey are able to apply the learning to the situation and the real world. They seek out new ideas and want to try them out drawing links betweenthe subject and their current jobs. Thus based on the learning styles of the individuals an appropriatelearning method must be designed for every individual.


Gestión del conocimiento personal

(Última edição: Quarta, 9 Abril 2014, 12:58)

En sus siglas en inglés: PKM


Habilidades de Aprendizaje

(Última edição: Quinta, 5 Março 2015, 12:11)

Learning skills (sometimes called study skills) are the basic tools of learning:
• reading for a purpose
• extracting information from text or diagrams
• taking notes or recording information for future use
• writing for an audience in an appropriate way.

Fuente.- Open Univ, Curso Online 'Laeraning How To Learn'

Habilidades funcionales

(Última edição: Terça, 8 Abril 2014, 13:01)

Son las capacidades de los aprendices para tener un un rol activo y responsable en su vida personal, en su entorno de trabajo y la sociedad en general.



(Última edição: Segunda, 6 Abril 2015, 19:42)


Memoria de trabajo

(Última edição: Segunda, 6 Abril 2015, 11:39)

Working memory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Working memory is the system that is responsible for the transient holding and processing of new and already stored information, an important process for reasoning, comprehension, learning and memory updating. Working memory is generally used synonymously with short term memory, but this depends on how the two forms of memory are defined.[1] Working memory includes subsystems that store and manipulate visual images or verbal information, as well as a central executive that coordinates the subsystems. It includes visual representation of the possible moves, and awareness of the flow of information into and out of memory, all stored for a limited amount of time.[2] Working memory tasks require monitoring (i.e., manipulation of information or behaviors) as part of completing goal-directed actions in the setting of interfering processes and distractions. The cognitive processes needed to achieve this include the executive and attention control of short-term memory, which permit interim integration, processing, disposal, and retrieval of information. These processes are sensitive to age: working memory is associated with cognitive development, and research shows that its capacity tends to decline with old age. Working memory is a theoretical concept central both to cognitive psychology and neuroscience. In addition, neurological studies demonstrate a link between working memory and learning and attention.

Theories exist both regarding the theoretical structure of working memory and the role of specific parts of the brain involved in working memory. Research identifies the frontal cortex, parietal cortex, anterior cingulate, and parts of the basal ganglia as crucial. The neural basis of working memory has been derived from lesion experiments in animals and functional imaging upon humans.



(Última edição: Quarta, 14 Maio 2014, 17:49)
  • Están directamente relacionados con el punto de vista e intenciones del profesor
  • Indican los contenidos fundamentales
  • No son suceptibles de ser medidos

Verbos que se suelen utilizar para describirlos:

  • Conocer
  • Comprender
  • Determinar
  • Entender
  • Captar
  • Familiarizarse con

Forman parte fundamental de un Plan Docente


Pensamiento computacional

(Última edição: Segunda, 6 Abril 2015, 11:05)

pensamiento computacional. Este pensamiento fue definido recientemente por ISTE y CSTA como un proceso de solución de problemas que incluye, entre otros: analizar problemas, organizar y representar datos de manera lógica, automatizar soluciones mediante pensamiento algorítmico, usar abstracciones y modelos, comunicar procesos y resultados, reconocer patrones, y, generalizar y transferir


Computational Thinking is a problem-solving process that includes the following characteristics:[

  • Analyzing and logically organizing data
  • Data modeling, data abstractions, and simulations
  • Formulating problems such that computers may assist
  • Identifying, testing, and implementing possible solutions
  • Automating solutions via algorithmic thinking
  • Generalizing and applying this process to other problems


Problem-based learning is an important element of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, also known as STEM, education in particular . The connection Computational Thinking makes in the context of problem solving processes is present in STEM focused classes. Characteristics of Computational Thinking reformulate problems by decomposing them into smaller and more manageable segments. These strategies enable students to transform complex problems into multiple step procedures that is not only easier to navigate through, but also provides an efficient way of thinking (Wing, 2006). In STEM education Computational Thinking is defined as a set of cognitive skills that let K-12 educators identify patterns, break apart complex problems into smaller steps , organize and create a series of steps to provide solutions, and build a representation of interacting data through simulations. Teachers in STEM focused classrooms that include Computational Thinking, allow students to practice problem-solving skills such as trial and error (Barr, et al, 2011).



(Última edição: Quarta, 9 Abril 2014, 12:48)

En la RAE tenemos que: "Capacidad humana de asumir con flexibilidad situaciones límite y sobreponerse a ellas".

Es una de las habilidades necesarias para el aprendizaje en el entorno de Internet

Resultados del aprendizaje

(Última edição: Quarta, 14 Maio 2014, 18:06)
  • Son concreciones de las competencias para un determinado nivel; resultado del proceso enseñanza/aprendizaje.
  • Están directamente relacionados con los estudiantes y sus logros. A diferencia con los objetivos que están relacionados con el profesor y sus intenciones.
  • Son evaluables.

Ejemplos de verbos que se usan habitualmente para describir los resultados de aprendizaje:

  • Distinguir entre
  • Elegir
  • Reunir
  • Modificar
  • Identificar
  • Resolver
  • Aplicar
  • Enumerar
  • Interpretar
  • Evaluar

Es un elemento habitual de la definición de un plan docente.

Para definir los resultados del aprendizaje, se debe usar declaraciones que contienen un verbo de acción, un contenido sobre el cual el estudiante tiene que actuar y un contexto en el que se producirá la ejecución. Es mejor evitar el uso de verbos tales como saber, comprender, conocer o ser consciente de que no son evaluables ni medibles.

Los resultados del aprendizaje deben:

  • estar definidos en términos claros y concretos (frases cortas y sencillas).
  • centrarse en lo que los estudiantes pueden demostrar.
  • ser habilidades observables que pueden ser evaluados.
  • ser realistas y alcanzables por parte del estudiante en el tiempo asignado y los recursos disponibles.
  • ser asequibles para el nivel académico de los estudiantes.
  • no ser muy numerosos.