En este glosario se recogen frases y palabras significativas para ayudar a entender los conceptos y procesos del aprendizaje.
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Estilos de Aprendizaje (Kolb) | ||
Based on Kolbs learning Cycle ... Peter Honey and Alan Mumford made an attempt to classify individuals into four groups based on their learning styles.
1.- Activist:
People who learn through doing and prefer activity baseddevelopment. They do not effectively, respond well to lectures or highlyreflective activity.. they prefer to learn through involving excercises,problems, tasks etc…
2.- Reflector:
Reflectors are people who enjoy reviewing and consideringsituations and events.In groups they observe and reflect rather thanactively join or lead the discussion. They feel uncomfortable if they areput into limelight without prior warning.
Theorist like to know theories behind a piece of learning, theyprefer to learn from research, data, models and information. They likeLogic and are rational and analytical in a leaning situation. They will beuncomfortable with high emotion and feelings.
4.- Pragmatist:
They prefer practicality to theory and learn effectively whenthey are able to apply the learning to the situation and the real world. They seek out new ideas and want to try them out drawing links betweenthe subject and their current jobs. Thus based on the learning styles of the individuals an appropriatelearning method must be designed for every individual.
Fuente: Individual Learning | ||
Theory of Learning Cycle | ||
Theory of Learning Cycle (By David Kolb)
In order to learn from an experience, you have to go through the learningcycle. David Kolb stated that for true learning to take place, we need tohave an experience, reflect upon the experience, make sense of it andfinally apply our theories to our lives by planning what we would do nexttime we were in the same or similar situation. Learning is inhibited when alearner misses one of Kolb’s stages
Las cuatro etapas del Aprendizaje:
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Aprendizaje Individual | ||
"Individual learning is defined as the capacity to build knowledge through individual reflection about external stimuli and sources, and through the personal re-elaboration of individual knowledge and experience in light of interaction with others and the environment" "El aprendizaje individual se define como la capacidad de construir conocimiento a través de la reflexión individual sobre estímulos y fuentes externas, y por medio de la re-elaboración personal de los conocimientos y la experiencia individual, a la luz de la interacción con los demás y con el entorno" Fuente: INDIVIDUAL LEARNING (sribd, por bishnuchettri) Prof David Merrill
"... the social context of a learning environment may provide support for its members, nevertheless the change in cognitive structure and the acquisition of knowledge and skill is and individual event"
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Habilidades de Aprendizaje | ||
Learning skills (sometimes called study skills) are the basic tools of learning: Fuente.- Open Univ, Curso Online 'Laeraning How To Learn' | ||
Aprendiendo a Aprender | ||
"Learning how to learn is a process in which we all engage throughout our lives, although often we do not realise that we are, in fact, learning how to learn. Most of the time we concentrate on what we are learning rather than how we are learning it" Fuente.- Open Univ, Curso online 'Learning How To Learn' | ||
Estilos de Aprendizaje | ||
"Los Estilos de Aprendizaje reflejan nuestras preferencias a la hora de aprender nuevos conceptos e ideas:
"Learning styles reflect our preferred ways of learning new concepts and ideas: Fuente.- Open University, Curso online 'Learning How To Learn' | ||
Espacio blanco | ||
Es una expresión que trata de aunar a personas de diferentes perfiles y capacidades en torno a una motivación común. Este espacio de encuentro y creación pude ofrecer soluciones a la incertidumbre. Saber gestionar dicho espacio requiere aplicar muchas de las competencias que se esperan en un líder y exige mantener en todo momento una actitud creativa y una visión global y sistémica.
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Resultados del aprendizaje | ||
Ejemplos de verbos que se usan habitualmente para describir los resultados de aprendizaje:
Es un elemento habitual de la definición de un plan docente. Para definir los resultados del aprendizaje, se debe usar declaraciones que contienen un verbo de acción, un contenido sobre el cual el estudiante tiene que actuar y un contexto en el que se producirá la ejecución. Es mejor evitar el uso de verbos tales como saber, comprender, conocer o ser consciente de que no son evaluables ni medibles.
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Competencia | ||
Capacidad demostrada por parte del estudiante para utilizar conocimientos y habilidades. Las hay de tipo transversal y específica. Forma parte de la definición de un plan docente | ||
Objetivos | ||
Verbos que se suelen utilizar para describirlos:
Forman parte fundamental de un Plan Docente | ||